date of watch- 26/10/21
photo credit: vanity fair
Set in a futuristic desert which is home to the ‘Fremen’. It tells the story of Paul Atreides who is played by Timothee Chalamet who is wealthy and travels to the most dangerous place in this world to protect his friends and family.
Narration sets the film by Chani. She is played by Zendaya and Paul often has dreams about her and this other world. To me, this was one of the best parts of the film as it left people wondering what the connection was until the very end as these dreams left Paul shaken. Once it got to those end scenes, there was a sense of relief but still left the audience gripped.
Although there was a lot of renowned actors, the acting was still astounding and felt very real and immersive. This being impressive considering it lasted just over 2 hours. However, may not recommend this film to anyone who may struggle with concentration because of the length, I did lose focus a few times. Dune is a sci-fi film which is a genre I would not usually go for yet still felt intrigued.
However, it often had very difficult parts of the film to grasp about the storyline itself which does not help alongside the length of the film. Dune is definitely a film where you have to take some time afterwards to really take in the plot as a lot of information was thrown and a lot of words that were hard to understand. As well as this, Chani did not have as much screen time as we are led to believe. Regardless, I would highly recommend this film to pretty much everyone. There is a second Dune to come in 2023 which will definitely be watched by myself.